
Personal Finances > I Believe There's a Mistake on My Electric Bill

Complain about mistakes on bills, using the Passive Voice.

Call about a mistake on a household bill.

I Believe There's a Mistake on My Electric Bill

Northwest Electric. / overcharged / Gloria Lockwood. / account number: 692-07-9943

A: Northwest Electric. May I help you?
B: Yes. I believe (1) there's a mistake on my electric bill.
A: What seems to be the problem.
B: I think I've been overcharged.
A: I see. Could you tell me (2) what your name is?
B: Gloria Lockwood.
A: And your account number?
B: 692-07-9943
A: All right. Please hold while I check your account number.
B: Thank you.

(1) Certainly
I believe
I think
(2) Asking for information
Could you tell me
Can you tell me
Would you tell me

1) Pacific Gas. / mistakenly charged for a service call / Carlos Valdez.
/ account number: 05 0120 7027 12
2) Bell Atlantic. / charged for a call I didn't make / Henry Franklin. / telephone number: 723-4431
3) Country Water Department. / mistakenly charged a penalty fee for an overdue payment / Lucy Warner. / account number: 27 0003 468
4) Southern Bell Telephone. / charged for a telegram I didn't send / William Park. / telephone number: 829-3413
5) Metropolitan Cable TV. / charged for a channel we don't subscribe to / Rita Lambert. / account number: 2741AJ

Passive Voice
The Passive Voice is used when focusing on the person or thing affected by an action.

Passive Voice
I think I've been overcharged.

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