
Letter "x" Pronunciation

Letter "x" Pronunciation:

The letter "x" is always pronounced with the more commonly known /k/ sound + /s/ sound pronunciation.

In English, the "x" spelling has two possible pronunciations:

- /k/ sound + /s/ sound as in box (/ˈbɑ:ks/)
- /g/ sound + /z/ sound as in exact (/ɪgˈzækt/)

"x" = /s/ sound + /k/ sound

The letter "x" will be pronounced as the /k/ sound + /s/ sound when both of the following are not true:

- The word's stressed syllable begins immediately after the letter "x"
- The "x" is followed by a vowel sound

Also, the letter "x" will be pronounced as the /k/ sound + /s/ sound when it is the final letter of the word. Note: Inflectional suffixes such as -es and -ed can be added to words ending in the letter "x" without changing the pronunciation from the /k/ sound + /s/ sound (examples include the words fixes and fixed).

box /ˈbɑ:ks/
toxic /ˈtɑ:ksɪk/
explain /ɪkˈspleɪn/
galaxy /ˈgæləksi/

"x" = /g/ sound + /z/ sound

The pronunciation of the letter "x" will be that of the /g/ sound + /z/ sound when both of the following are true:

- The word's stressed syllable begins immediately after the letter "x"
- The "x" is followed by a vowel sound

exact /ɪgˈzækt/
example /ɪgˈzæmpəl/
existence /ɪgˈzɪstəns/
anxiety /æŋˈzajəti/


There are a few exceptions to the letter "x" pronunication patterns. The following words are pronounced as /gz/ or /ks/ sounds.

exit /ˈɛgzət, ˈɛksət/
exile /ˈɛgˌzajəl, ˈɛkˌsajəl/

1 comment:

Jennifer Kumar said...

Thank you. I work with south Indians on accent and clearly speaking in English. Many words with X often sound like an S. For instance, text, sounds like test, next sounds like next, etc.

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