An adverb is a word that modifies (tell us more about) a verb or an adjective or any other adverb in a sentence.
Sara is laughing.
Sara is laughing loudly.
In the above example, the verb ‘laugh’ expresses an action. In the second sentence, the word ‘loudly’ is an adverb because it gives us more information about the verb ‘laugh’. In the first sentence, we come to know only about the action. But in the second sentence, due to the adverb ‘loudly’ we know more about (intensity of) action. We know that the voice of laughing is quite loud. Such a word that modifies (tells more about) a verb is called an adverb.
An adverb modifies a verb, an adjective or the other adverb in the sentence. Read the following examples.
1. Adverb modifying a verb - Examples
He answered the question quickly.
She can speak Chinese fluently.
He treats his kids harshly.
She is talking nicely.
The officers behaved decently.
She goes to club daily.
He sometimes needs my help.
I will go to New York tomorrow.
He may come here.
She watches movies on holidays.
2. An adverb modifying an adjective - Examples
See the examples, each bold word is an adverb while each underlined word is an adjective.
They were joyously happy.
The duration of class is exceedingly long.
The joke was truly funny.
This shirt is extremely nice.
We saw a badly damaged car on the road.
The movie was really interesting.
3. An adverb modifying other adverb - Example
Read these examples, the bold word is adverb which modifies the other adverb (underlined)
They were laughing too loudly.
They started their married life very happily.
My brother drives his car very carelessly.
She responded too quickly.
He walked fast enough to reach the school in time.
She painted the wall pretty beautifully.
Formation of adverbs
Most of the adverbs are made by adding “-ly” at the end of adjectives.
Examples: fluently, quickly, happily, immediately, easily, loudly, proudly, interestingly, e.t.c.
Few of the adverbs exist without having “-ly” at their ends.
Examples: too, very, late, here, close, straight, well, pretty, low, right, fast, deep, hard, far, high, hard, e.t.c
Types of Adverbs
An adverb modifies a verb in various aspects, and on the basis of such aspects of modification adverbs are classified as follows
Adverb of manner: Happily, Sadly, Easily, Rudely, Loudly, Fluently, Rapidly, Angrily, Greedily, Wildly, etc
Adverb of Place: Here, There, Near, Somewhere, Outside, Inside, Ahead, High, Top, Bottom, etc
Adverb of time: Now, Then, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Late, Early, Again, Tonight, Soon etc
Adverb of frequency: Sometimes, Often, Usually, Seldom, Frequently, Daily, Generally, Occasionally, Again and again, Never, etc
Types of Adverb
An adverb is a word that modifies (gives us more information about) a verb in a sentence.
She is singing a song.
She is singing a song loudly.
The adverb “loudly” in the 2nd sentence modifies the verb “sing” by giving us more information that the song is sung with a loud voice . Such a word is called an adverb.
Adverbs modify a verb by giving us information about the following aspects of a verb.
- How an action occurs
- Where an action occurs
- When an action occurs
- How often an action occurs
Depending on the above aspects of modification, the adverbs have following four types:
- Adverbs of manner: Angrily, Happily, Easily, Sadly, Rudely, Loudly, Fluently, Greedily, etc
- Adverbs of Place: Near, There, Here, Somewhere, Inside, Outside, Ahead, Top, High, Bottom, etc
- Adverbs of time: Yesterday, Now, Then, Tomorrow, Today, Late, Early, Tonight, Again, Soon etc
- Adverbs of frequency: Often, Sometimes, Usually, Frequently, Seldom, Daily, Again and again, Generally, Occasionally, Never, etc
1. Adverbs of Manner – Usage
These adverbs describe the manner of an action or the way of the occurrence of an action.
e.g. happily, sadly, sympathetically, harshly, carefully, carelessly, rudely, nicely, decently, etc
They are living happily.
She completed her work nicely.
He was behaving angrily.
She treats the kids sympathetically.
Sara is driving carelessly.
Students were listening to lecture carefully.
Adverbs of Place – Usage
These adverbs express the place of the occurrence of an action or regarding an action.
e.g. here, there, near, outside, inside, bottom, top, ahead, somewhere, beneath, etc
They were coming here.
Some is talking outside.
Please come inside.
They live somewhere in Paris.
Kids are playing near the house.
He went downstairs.
2. Adverbs of Time – Usage
These adverbs states the time of occurrence of the action. It may give sharp or rough idea about the time of occurrence of an action.
e.g. soon, late, today, to night, early, tomorrow, yesterday, then, now, etc.
He will go to school tomorrow.
I met him yesterday.
Please call him now.
He will come soon.
I am still waiting for my friend.
3. Adverbs of Frequency – Usage
These adverbs tell about how often (or how many times) an action occurs. It gives an idea about the frequency of occurrence of an action.
e.g. daily, weekly, seldom, frequently, usually, sometimes, most of the times, again and again, often, etc
I meet him daily.
He usually sleeps in the day.
She is calling me again and again.
The failed student was frequently thinking about his failure in exam.
The always helped me.
They come here too often.