
Adjective Clause

Adjective Clause

Adjective Clause is very common. You already use it. Like this:

The computer you're using has a microphone.
Well, maybe it doesn't. That's not the point. The point is this: That sentence has TWO subjects and TWO verbs:

the computer has

you're using
Adjective Clause is that second one. "you're using." That's an Adjective Clause.

The computer you're using has a microphone.
Is is okay to say:

The computer that you're using has a microphone?
Yes. No difference.

Is it okay to say:
The computer who you're using has a microphone?
No way!

So how does all this work? Stay tuned. That's what all this is about.

Adjective describe nouns. Remember? long hair, dark hair, curly hair.

So? Adjective Clauses describe nouns, too. Big deal.

Adjectives and Adjective Clauses names are similar but, you know they're different.

Adjectives come in front of nouns.

I like polite people.
Well, Adjetive Clauses come after nouns.

I like people who are always polite to others.
And... get this... an Adjective Clause has a subject and a verb. That's why it is called a "clause". That's what a clause is: a structure with a subject and a verb.

Here's the main clause:

I like people...
An here's the Adjective Clause:

...who are always polite to others.
See that? Who is the subject and are is the verb of the Adjective Clause.

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