
Noun clauses that begin with that

Noun clauses that begin with that

I believe that people are the same the word over.
We have cultural differences and language differences. But we all smile when we're happy . A smile is universally human. And we need food and sleep. We love, laugh, cry, work, grow old... the world over:

I hope that people over the word live in peace.
I know that there have always been wars, but
I predict that someday humans will find better ways to solve their differences.
Do you see how useful That-Clauses is in expressing beliefs, hopes, thoughts? That's the That-Clause job!

Here is a good list of verbs that That-Clauses follow.

Notice how most of them express "mental activity"; that means things that go on inside your mind: thoughts, guesses, predictions, dreams. Look the list over. It has a lot of useful words.

You can omit That. It doesn't really mean anything:

I believe we're all one family.
See? No That after believe. People omit That from a That-clause a lot, especially in speaking.

Common verbs followed by That-clauses:

assume that
agree that
believe that
conclude that
decide that
demostrate that
discover that
doubt that
dream that
fear that
feel that
figure out that
find out that
forget that
guess that
hear that
hope that
Know that
imagine that
indicate that
learn that
notice that
observe that
predict that
presume that
presend that
prove that
read that
realize that
recall that
recognize that
regret that
remember that
reveal that
say that
show that
suppose that
suspect that
teach that
think that
understand that

That-clause is also usefull in expressing feelings!

I'm happy that we have this time together.
I'm pleased that you came to visit me.
but remember, you can omit that:
I'm sorry you have to leave soon.
I'm sure we'll see each other again sometime.
One last thing. You can also use That-Clauses after it is true or it is a fact... very useful:
It's true that the population of the earth is exploding.
It's a fact that there are more than 6 billion people on earth.
Common expressions followed by That-Clauses:

be afraid that
be amazed that
be angry that
be ashamed that
be astounded that
be aware that
be certain that
be convinced that
be delighted that
be disappointed that
be fortunate that
be furious that
be glad that
be happy that
be horrified that
be impressed tha
be lucky that
be positive that
be pleased that
be proud that
be sad that
be sorry that
be shocked that
be sure that
be surprised that
be terrified that
be thrilled that
be worried that

It is true that
It is a fact that

Do hourses sleep standin up?
I don't really know, but I think so.
So have a lot of jobs in English, and one of them is to substitute for That-Clause. "Substitute" means So takes his place. When we said "I think so," this meant:

I think that horses sleep standing up.
As you see, you can use So, instead of a whole, long That-Clause.

So is really useful in conversation.

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