
Personal Finances > I'm Having Trouble Balancing the Checkbook

Discuss balancing a checkbook using different functions.

You forgot to tell about a check you wrote. Tell someone and apologize.

I'm Having Trouble Balancing the Checkbook

discount shoes / Jeffrey's sneakers / $36

A: I'm having trouble balancing the checkbook.
B: Oh. I forgot to tell you. I wrote a check to "Discount Shoes" for Jeffrey's sneakers.
A: Oh. I see.
B: Sorry. I completely forgot (1).
A: That's okay. Do you remember (2) how much it was for?
B: Hmm. Let me think for a minute (3). As far as I remember (4), it was for thirty-six dollars.
A: Okay. Thanks.

(1) Forgetting
I completely forgot.
I forgot all about it.
It completly slipped my mind.
(2) Remembering
Do you remember
Do you happen to remember
(3) Hesitating 
Let me think for a minute.
Let me see.
Let's see.
(4) Remembering
As far as I remember,
If I remember correctly,

1) auto world / new tires / $110
2) the heart association / our annual donation / $25
3) perkins pest control / spraying the basement / $38
4) the trimline health club / our membership fee / $250
5) suburban orthodontists / Maria's braces / $6,500

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