
Expressing conditions in adverb clauses: if-clauses

It's time for us to get to know If. If is just two letters, an i and an f. But If is very powerful. If live in your imagination.

You know how people like to talk about hypothetical situations? That means possibilities we invent in our imaginations. For instance... let me imagine something you might do. I know... maybe you will click on one of the links in this page. All right? That's the situation... the condition. That's I'm imagining.

Well, what would be the result? That's where if comes in.

If you click on one of the links in this page, you'll stop reading.
And of course,

If you don't click on one of the links in this page, you'll keep reading.
If gives a condition that will produce a certain result... all hypothetical, of course.

Usually it's good idea to stay away from using future verb forms in Adverb Clauses.

And I'll talk to you about other words like whether and unless.

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