
Consonant Clusters

Consonant Clusters

Two or more consonant sounds together are called "consonant clusters". Many languages do not have any words with onsonant clusters. Therefore, when native speakers of these languages speak English, they tend to skip one or more of the consonants. Make sure you pronounce every consonant sounds! Pay special attention to words spelled with the letter x since it represents a blend of two consonant clusters; for example: watched, stopped, picked.

Common words with consonant clusters:

instantly /ˈɪnstəntli/
hopefully /ˈhoʊpfəli/
apartment /əˈpɑɚtmənt/
worked /ˈwɚkt/
textbook /ˈtɛkstˌbʊk/
extra /ˈɛkstrə/
vodka /ˈvɑ:dkə/
strength /ˈstrɛŋkθ/
recognize /ˈrɛkɪgˌnaɪz/

Different Sounds for x

1. If the vowel following an x is stressed, the x is pronounced as /gz/, as in examine /ɪgˈzæmən/ and exist ɪgˈzɪst/.

2. If an x is followed by a consonant, or if it's at the end of a word, it is pronounced as /ks/, as in expert /ˈɛkˌspɚt/ and tax /ˈtæks/,

Also, note that a double c often produces an x or /ks/ sound, as in the word accent /ˈækˌsɛnt/.

Word Contrast when an x is pronounced as /ks/:

/s/ /ks/ /s/ /ks/
nest next aspect expert
test text contest context
session section mass Max

Words ending with ts

Make sure you pronounce both the /t/ and the /s/ sounds in the following words. The /t/ will need to be pronounced softly in order to ensure a smooth transition to the /s/.

1. it's 3. states 5. what's
2. that's 4. lasts 6. doubts

Word contrasts:

/s/ or /z/ /ts/ /s/ or /z/ /ts/
1. is its 5. was what's
2. stays states 6. pains paints
3. less lets 7. knees needs
4. fax facts 8. lies lights

Pronouncing the ds Cluster

Make sure you pronounce both the /d/ and /z/ sounds in the following words. The s is pronounced like a /z/ sound because it's followed by /d/, which is a voiced consonant. The /d/ will need to be pronounced softly in order to ensure a smooth transition to the /z/.

1. needs 3. sends 5. kids
2. decades 4. friends 6. sounds

Word contrast:

/z/ /dz/ /z/ /dz/
1. fines finds 4. rise rides
2. cars cards 5. lens lends
3. fees feeds 6. bills builds

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