
Expressing contrast (unexpected result): Using even though

I was here all the time even though you coldn't see me.
Life is full of suprises, isn't it? We just never know what's going to happen when we get up in the morning. Ah, yes... surprises, unexpected things. That's what Even Though express.

Let's say Oscar had a ticket to a championship soccer game. What is the expected result?

Because Oscar had a ticket, he went to the game.
But, sometimes things don't work out as we expect them to. That's where Even Though come in.

Even though you had a ticket, you did NOT go to the game.
What? It was a championship game. It was sold out! You had a ticket, but you didn't go? That's a surprising, unexpected result.

Even Though is a lot of fun to use. Well, at least I think so, but I like surprises.

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