
Using adverb clauses to show cause and effect

You've been using because ever since you started using English. You know, it's one of those words everybody needs right from the beginning because people are always talking about what causes what.

Tarik is happy because his family is here.
There you go. But there are a couple of other useful ways to tell someone what causes a result.

Now that Olga has a job, she can pay her rent.
That means because Olga has a job now. It implies that Olga didn't have a job a little while ago.

And how about this one?
Since Al doesn't have a car, he has to depend on his friends to drive him places.
Well, that means because Al doesn't have a car.

And just a little quick reminder, don't forget that since can aslo show time relationships:

I've know Maria since I was a child.
You know, lots of English words have more than one meaning, but you already know that.

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